How to Handle Awkward Situations at Work

How to Handle Awkward Situations at Work

They will happen. You know it, we know it. When working with a diverse group of people in any situation, awkward situations are bound to happen. We’re all human after all. It’s not bad that it happens, it’s normal. But how you handle it can make all the difference moving forward.

The Future of HR

The Future of HR

Predicting the future can be fun, and predicting the future of human resources can be downright exciting. Here, we’ll take a look at the future of HR from our perspective and from the perspective of those around us, including industry-leading insights from others who have pondered this question before.

The role of HR in scaling your business

The role of HR in scaling your business

A Human Resources department at a startup will look very different than an HR department at a large, established corporation. In fact, the startup’s HR department may just consist of the company’s owner. So, when it’s time to grow, how does HR figure into the equation?

Creative recruiting strategies

Creative recruiting strategies

We get it. Recruiting the right people to your team can be tough, and sometimes, seemingly impossible given the current employment rates across the county. To help the hiring process along and hopefully help you attract the right candidates, we have a few tips we’ve learned along the way that just might give you some inspiration.