Celebrate small successes that add up to big wins

We all know the feeling of being overwhelmed with a huge goal or large project. Large tasks can feel daunting or intimidating because of their sheer magnitude, but there is a very simple way to make those tasks seem easier.

Break large goals or projects into small, very attainable tasks and steps. One foot in front of the other, as they say. The key here? Keep going, step after step until eventually you hit the big win. The other major key? Celebrate along the way and track your progress on the way to the big goal.

No matter how long it takes to reach the ultimate, overarching goal, it’s those small steps and tasks that will get you there. And celebrating them will make your progress feel much more meaningful and allow you to see just how far you’ve come toward achieving that big goal or finishing that huge project. How you celebrate the smaller wins is ultimately up to you, but do something that acknowledges your accomplishments.

The celebration can be directly tied to the goal. Met someone who can help you move to the next level in your business success? Celebrate by giving back to someone in a similar situation. Or, buy yourself a treat. Go on a hike that you’ve been meaning to do but that you just can’t seem to fit in your schedule. In other words, make time for yourself when you hit small milestones. Ultimately those are what will add up to your big win.

Celebrating your successes, no matter how seemingly small, will help keep you motivated toward the larger prize. It also helps you keep track of just how close you really are to the finish line, and when and how you should be working harder. It can also give you that added push to finish a dreaded task because you know when you finish that massage you love to get is just around the corner.