Self-Care for the end of year festivities


As the end of the year looms close, have you considered your own health and wellness? We know many look at the new year as a time to reset and refocus on health goals, but why not focus now? Many of us are traveling or are busy with social events and quality family time, but what a great time to also show yourself a little gratitude. We think December is a great time to think about self-care and how you’re going to take care of yourself so you can take care of your professional obligations as well. Here are a few of our favorite ideas on how to keep your wellness in focus this season.

  1. Keep exercising or moving. Physical activity will make you feel better, no matter how much is on your plate this time of year. And, it will set you up for success. Exercise, really movement of any sort, reduces stress, improves mood and concentration, and combats depression. Ten minutes of challenging daily exercise triggers the same hormones in your brain targeted by anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications, so let’s access those naturally. 

  2. Get enough sleep. Sleep is probably the next most important, if not the most important, thing to focus on this season. The winter is a natural time to hibernate and rejuvenate, so take advantage of nature’s flow and catch up on some Zs. If you’re busy, just make sure you’re getting the recommended eight hours of sleep each night. Resting properly will make you feel good and help you tackle exercise, social functions, business obligations and anything else the season throws your way. 

  3. Sit in silence and feel grateful. Recent research suggests that simply pondering the question, "What am I grateful for?" increases dopamine and serotonin, even if you can't actually think of an answer. Just searching for things to be grateful about builds stronger positive emotional pathways in your brain. Plus, sitting and thinking, even for just a few moments, can help you organize your thoughts and feel better about the busy season.

  4. Eat sensibly. There are so many food-related events this time of year. And that’s great, but enjoy responsibly. Taste items, and enjoy little bits. There’s no pressure to eat an entire piece of dessert, take a few bites. Little tricks and eating mindfully will help you through the season feeling happy and content, instead of having feelings of regret later on. The holidays also can bring up strong feelings for people around everything from family losses, new relationships, to meeting the high expectations of visiting family. And most of us would rather avoid those difficult emotions – through the time-honored holiday traditions of eating or drinking – rather than just accepting that it is natural to feel them this time of year. So eating mindfully is a way to keep emotional under control as well.

  5. Plan something you enjoy. Often the holidays are filled with what we feel we should do and what we have to do. But make sure to plan something to do that you really enjoy and that makes you happy. Make sure you experience the good moments that happen in the present with the ones you love. Embrace the moment and find something you enjoy. And no pressure to have the perfect holiday. Instead, have one that makes you happy.